The wide range of applications of our advanced biotechnologies

Biosphere’s industrial biotechnology solutions can be applied to a range of market sectors.

API manufacturing, plant and soil care, cosmetics, diagnostics, food and nutraceuticals, animal health and feed, household and industrial cleaning, fibres and polymers are the main fields of application of Biosphere’s team’s technical expertise.

Our main client sectors

The biocatalytic solutions for the synthesis of pharmaceutical active ingredients represent a significant evolution in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry. Industrial biotechnologies play a fundamental role in this scenario offering solutions that leverage the catalytic efficiency of enzymes and genetically modified microorganisms to conduct complex and specific chemical reactions.

In particular, the use of biocatalysts, such as enzymes or genetically engineered microbial cells, offers several key advantages. Firstly, these biological catalysts can operate under moderate temperature and pressure conditions, reducing the need for high energy consumption and addressing safety management challenges. Moreover, the selectivity of enzymes can be regulated and optimized to produce high-purity active ingredients, minimizing the formation of undesired byproducts. A critical aspect of biocatalytic solutions is their ability to enhance the environmental sustainability of the production process. In contrast to traditional chemical processes, which often require the use of toxic solvents and generate hazardous waste, biocatalytic reactions are often carried out in water or greener conditions, reducing environmental impact and the associated costs of hazardous waste management.

Industrial biotechnologies play a key role in the development of innovative solutions in the field of biostimulants of microbial origin. These biostimulants represent a highly relevant area of research and application in contemporary agriculture, offering extraordinary opportunities to enhance crop performance through sustainable practices.

Industrial biotechnologies enable the utilization of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi as producers of highly effective biostimulants. The ability to select and optimize specific microbial strains allows for the design of highly targeted biostimulants tailored to different crops and environments.

An important aspect of microbial-origin biostimulants is their environmental sustainability, an approach that Biosphere shares through its commitment to circular bioeconomy solutions . These biological products reduce the use of synthetic chemicals and, consequently, the overall environmental footprint of crop production. Furthermore, they contribute to long-term soil health, fostering more environmentally-friendly agricultural practices.

With the cosmetic sector demanding for safe, effective, and sustainable beauty products, industrial biotechnologies are opening up new frontiers to meet its needs.

Industrial biotechnologies enable the use of advanced technologies for producing natural and sustainable cosmetic ingredients. These ingredients can be derived from biological sources such as plants, algae, or microorganisms. This means that high-performance cosmetic active ingredients can be obtained without the need to use non-renewable resources or harmful chemical byproducts. New ingredients, such as bioactive peptides and special fatty acids, are emerging through these technologies, paving the way for increasingly advanced cosmetic products. Moreover, industrial biotechnologies are also revolutionizing the production of cruelty-free cosmetics. Animal testing is progressively being replaced by in vitro testing methods based on cell cultures and biotechnological models, making it possible to develop products without causing harm to animals.

When it comes to the development of innovative enzyme-based diagnostic solutions, industrial biotechnologies play a crucial role opening new prospects for precision medicine and disease management.

This sector has witnessed remarkable advancements due to the application of biotechnologies, which combine the specificity of enzymes with the power of modern diagnostic technologies. Industrial biotechnologies enable the large-scale production of highly purified and specific enzyme which act as catalysts in diagnostic reactions, significantly improving the sensitivity and specificity of tests. Enzymes like horseradish peroxidase or thermophilic polymerases are used to amplify signals and detect biomarkers, allowing for more accurate and timely diagnoses. Enzymes like reverse transcriptase are used in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to amplify viral genetic material, enabling early and accurate detection of infection. Industrial biotechnologies are also driving innovation in enzyme-based diagnostics through enzyme engineering. This technology allows for the genetic modification of enzymes to make them more stable, specific, and suitable for diagnostic purposes. Enzyme-based diagnostic solutions are highly versatile and can be implemented in various formats, including rapid strip tests and automated analysis systems. This flexibility allows for tailoring diagnostic solutions to the specific needs of patients and healthcare providers.

Biotechnology plays a crucial role in the development of functional foods and
nutraceuticals, which are designed to offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition.
The goal is to create products that not only nourish but also contribute to better
personal and environmental health.

When it comes to this industry, Biosphere takes care of:

  • fermentative processes, used to produce sustainable alternatives to classical food or functional compounds that can enhance health or prevent diseases;
  • microbial biotechnology, involving the use of microorganisms to produce substances like organic acids, vitamins, and antioxidants that can be used in functional foods and nutraceuticals.


Microorganisms can be genetically engineered to produce high-value products through precision
fermentation to improve selectivity and output.
The production facility at Biosphere is recognized by Italian health authorities for the production of food
enzymes according to the principles of HACCP and in compliance with EU Regulation n. 852/04.

Biotechnology has a significant impact on animal health and feed, offering
innovative solutions for improving nutrition and disease resistance.

In the animal health and feed sector, Biosphere applies its know-how and expertise in:

  • enzyme production, as it improves nutrient availability and reduces feed wastage.
  • probiotics and prebiotics production supporting gut health and inhibiting pathogenic bacteria.
  • microbial selection and evolution; for this, microorganisms are selected and evolved for use in feed to reduce anti-nutrients, improving nutrient absorption and overall animal health.
  • alternative products based on biotech solutions (e.g. antimicrobial peptides) to reduce the use of antibiotics.


These innovative solutions not only enhance the health and productivity of livestock but also contribute to the safety and quality of the resulting animal products for human consumption

Biotechnology is increasingly being used in household and industrial cleaning to create sustainable and efficient products.

Biosphere offers support to the development of innovative solutions in this field through the use of enzymes and microorganisms, specifically when it comes to:

Deep cleaning
Biotech cleaning products often contain enzymes and microbes that break down organic matter, leading to a deeper clean. Enzymes can also have interesting properties like descalers, removing limescale and watermarks to leave surfaces clean.

These products aim to reduce environmental impact by using biodegradable components and reducing the need for harsh chemicals.

Odour Control
Biotechnological cleaners can also help in controlling odours by breaking down the compounds that cause them.

The field is continuously evolving, with new technologies improving the performance and sustainability of cleaning products.

The use of biotechnology in cleaning products not only supports environmental sustainability but also offers potential health benefits by reducing exposure to toxic chemicals

Biotechnology is revolutionizing the field of fibers and polymers, offering sustainable paths for both their biosynthesis and recycling.

Industrial Enzymes and microbial fermentations: acting as biocatalysts, enzymes and microbial cells can give birth to new bio-based polymers and materials that are more sustainable than petrochemical-derived materials. They can also trigger the inverse reaction, promoting depolymerization reactions and improving recycling processes.

Biotechnology in leather industry: enzymes derived from bacteria and fungi find broad application in leather industry improving the control on leather process, such as de-hearing or degreasing processes.

Biofunctionalization: this involves adding biological functions to synthetic materials to enhance their properties.

Sustainable processes in textile sector: biotechnological methods can be developed to make production processes more environmentally friendly thanks to the limited requirement of heat, solvents, and energy. Enzymes can be applied to improve dyeing quality, for bleach clean-up, or also for denim abrasion.

Our main international markets

In the realm of biotechnology, international collaboration is paramount in fostering the exchange of knowledge and expertise, propelling advancements in biotechnological solutions. With this in mind, Biosphere engages with partners from various countries around the world, operating predominantly across Europe, but also in USA. This global approach enables Biosphere to serve a wide range of clients, tailoring our solutions to meet specific needs and challenges across different countries.